If you are trying to find out where you can fly to from Dundee in Scotland, then we have listed all of the possible destinations just below.
Flight Destinations from Dundee Airport
There is currently 1 airline Loganiar with 3 destinations available to fly from Dundee Airport. These are Belfast City, London City and Sumburgh (Shetland Islands).
- Belfast (George Best Belfast City Airport) - Loganair- Every Friday and Sunday at 14.25
- London (London City Airport)- Loganair- 2 flights a day on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 06.50 and 16.50, Friday at 16.50, No flight on a Saturday and one flight on Sunday at 16.55
- Sumburgh (Shetland Islands) - Loganair - 2 times a week Monday and Thursday (11.30)
So from Dundee Airport there are 3 UK destinations.
City of Dundee Airport Details
- Address: HIAL Head Office, Inverness Airport, Inverness, Scotland, IV2 7JB
- Telephone: +44 (0) 16 6746 2445
- Email: info@hial.co.uk